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Образование. Наука. Консалтинг

Школа английского Native Speaker

The teacher is expected to be a CELTA holder or at Proficiency Level and a good PC user. Age: 25 - 55. Non-smoker. Charismatic personality. Among our students there are children, teenagers and adults. 4 - 8 learners in a group. Levels are from Elem to Advanced. The working hours are mostly from 2pm to 9pm, Some hours could be in the morning. The main schedule offers 180 lessons a year for each group from September to June (July or August - optional), that is normally 5 days a week. One lesson is 75 to 120 minutes depending on a student's age. As studying materials we use Pearson Longman courses adapted to Smart White board. The salary is $ 12-15 per hour,  accommodation is free in a comfortable flat. The town is gorgeous. Our hospitality is for granted. One brunch of our school is currently running in Beslan (20km from Vladikavkaz). The other one is due to start in May-June in Vladikavkaz, school #33.

Contact us in SKYPE user ALANIA ENGLISH for further details. Best regards.


Адрес: Северная Осетия – Алания, город Владикавказ, ул. Калоева, 408

Телефоны: +7 (8672) 74-00-82, +7 (8672) 74-04-48

Адрес: город Беслан, ул. Коминтерна, 130

Телефоны: +7 (86737) 3-69-59, +7 (86737) 3-67-13

E-mail: russhanatt@yahoo.co.uk

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